Champaka Absolute, India

Michella champaka

from $96.42 - $218.37
Champaka Absolute Major huge floral filled with personality, energy, and it knows it. This is a must for any perfumer, or blender. Product information Michella …
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Champaka Absolute

Major huge floral filled with personality, energy, and it knows it. This is a must for any perfumer, or blender.

Product information

Michella champaka

Grown and solvent extracted in Southern India

A type of Magnolia--these are yellow flowers but the concrete and oil are sometimes produced by the white flowers, Michella alba.

Just too glorious to believe. Absolutely captivating and magnificent, the ultimate in bliss and happiness. Grown and extracted in India. Champaka trees love to grow near ylang ylang and I don't know what this means but I like it! Champaka flowers are traditionally made into what they called an"attar" but is actually a maceration.type of enfleurage in a fixed oil, similar to monoi, from Polynesia.

Flower 18-The Champaka flower

A rare flower,
That blooms on trees,
At a height well above the ground
Tantalising flowers of fine fragrance,
Attracting the earth to look up with awe,
Tempting the breeze to stop by
And carry the scent far and beyond.

She is Magnolia Champaca
This sweet flower exotica is
Adorned by the beautiful Radhika-
The romantic love of Lord Krishna!
The Indian Poets sing the praises of
The ‘Swarna Champa' or ‘Son Champa',
The golden yellow flower of perfume.

Radhika is ‘Janani'
The Mother Goddess!
The most adored Radhika,
The Goddess of pure love,
The sweet heart of the divine Flute Player.
When Radhika adorns the Champaka
Even the Bees do not hover around the flowers.

The Bees respect the Champaka
For she is their Goddess;
They do not fly up the tree,
Nor disturb these royal flowers,
Never touch her or trouble her.
They just breathe in the fragrance
And enjoy the beauty with reverence.


Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Arctander says

The absolute is a dark yellow or brownish -orange colored, somewhat viscous liquid. The odor is delecately dry-floral, at the same time, reminding one of orange flowers, ylang ylang, carnation and tea rose. As is normal for a floral such as this, there is no essential oil, but I love how Arctander puts it: "The constituents of the fragrance would not be justly represented in a steam distilled oil." One of those constituents is phenyl ethyl alcohol, which we also find in rose, and is mostly water soluable. (Hence the beautiful aroma of rosewater.)

He says champaka absolute is used in certain high-class perfumes where it may produce a unique, warm, floral-leafy note which is often compared to that of a fine grade of tea. It blends well with lily-of-the-valley bases, carnation, rose, etc but he also notes that the effect is not perceptable unless the absolute is skillfully backed up with rich, but sweet smelling blenders and modifiers and sandalwood in particular is an excellent fixative. He goes on to lament that there are so many fake and weak imitation champaka absolutes and it's highly unscrupulousand that this has impaired the interest in real champaka absolute, and therefore, it will remain scare and rare for the next several generations. (This was written in 1960.)

Battaglia says

This oil is known to be used as an anti-depressent, aphrodisic, and a few other things, but none of these are supported by research

Safety Warning
As with most essential oils, dilute before using on skin. Perform a patch test before use if essential oil sensitivity is suspected. Do not take essential oils internally. Do not use on children or pets. Seek advice from a trained aromatherapist before using on people with compromised immune systems. Keep away from eyes and mucus membranes.
Enfleurage makes no medical claims relating to any products, essential oils or otherwise, on our website or through social media. We are an essential oil company, not doctors, The FDA has not evaluated the statements on this website. We present our information in order to educate our customers on traditional and general uses of essential oils; in no way do we diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition.
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